RegisterSymbol("FRPGNETBase", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit12,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 89 05 ? 48 89 5C 24 38 48 85 DB ? 48 8B 03) RegisterSymbol("ChrFollowCam", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit11,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 1D ? 48 8D 94 24 ? 4C 8B F1 0F 29 7C 24 40)
This mod adds randomness to the game, giving you a chance to experience the game anew. RegisterSymbol("MenuManBase", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit6,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,4C 8B 05 ? 48 63 C9 48 8D 04 C9 41 3B 54 C0 10)Īobscanmodule(findit7,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 05 ? 48 8B 80 F0 00 00 00 48 85 C0) If you’ve been wanting to play Dark Souls Remastered, but can’t get the hang of the difficulty, you can use a Dark Souls Remastered cheat mod to make the game more fun. RegisterSymbol("LockTGTBase", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit5,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 05 ? 89 88 28 08 00 00 85 C9) RegisterSymbol("ChrClassWarp", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit3,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 05 ? 48 63 D1 48 8B 44 D0 08 C3)Īobscanmodule(findit4,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 0D ? 89 99 ? 4C 89 6D 58)

RegisterSymbol("WorldChrBase", addr, true)Īobscanmodule(findit1,DarkSoulsRemastered.exe,48 8B 05 ? 48 85 C0 ? F3 0F 58 80 AC 00 00 00)